Building creative solutions for your organization.
Outside Open provides Managed IT Support and Technology Consulting Services in Santa Barbara and beyond.
Native iPhone and Mobile App Development
Outside Open’s team of developers bring our history of business logic and enterprise software development experience to the mobile application space. Standard cross platform mobile app development built in React Native and, when deeper iOS system integration and optimization is required, Objective-C is the platform of choice.
We know the power of mobile apps and would love to work with your team to design a client facing app or architect a business workflow tool to enhance the ability of your company to improve productivity.
Contact us if you would like to discuss your mobile app needs.

Recent Blog Posts
Rotary phone and Asterisk
In keeping with our obsession with old technology, we recently acquired a beautiful 1947 model 7H6 North Electric rotary dial telephone and got it working on our phone system in the OO office. In the early 1940’s the 7H6 body was made of metal but during the war, the units were made from a dense early plastic called Bakelite which gives the phone a nice solid feel.
Raspberry Pi AI Face detection with Slack alerts
Formerly favorite* intern, Braedan Kennedy, has whipped up one of our favorite Slack apps yet. You Got Mailbot is a Slack app which posts a photo from the inside of our mailbox when we receive snail mail. As a bonus, You Got Mailbot uses AI to detect and post a...
Prank telemarketers with Lenny!
In anticipation or April 1st, we’d like to introduce you to the newest member of the Outside Open team: Say hello to Lenny!
NATO Phonetic Alphabet Poster
The surprising popularity of our NATO Phonetic Alphabet poster has been inspiring and fun – we’ve shipped over 1000 posters to date including to Canada, Europe and even nether antipodean lands! Designed by our team here at Outside Open and printed by Color Services, the poster is available for free, both as a archival quality poster print and high res vector download. This will help you sound like a pro (and eliminate the need to talk louder when you’re not being understood.) 🙂
Additional features of the poster include Semaphore flags, Morse code, and the International Code of Signals. Also, possibly an easter egg…
Contact Us
Contact us to discuss your technology needs, submit a support request, or if you just feel the need to talk to a nerd.
Office: (805) 364-4508 x3
Open a ticket: (805) 364-4508 x1
Outside Open
19 W. Carrillo Street, Suite A
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Join us on Twitter @outsideopen and Instagram @outsideopen
Random happiness:
Transfer a telemarketer to (805) 364-4511 for a quick Rickroll